Requesting Factors

We receive humanitarian donations of factors concentrates which we distribute for FREE to everyone with life threatening and limb threatening bleeds.

Steps in requesting:

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Email Hemophilia Advocates secretariat at indicating your request. Example (English or Tagalog):

Dear Hemophilia Advocates,

I would like to request for factor ___ (FVIII or FIX) for ___ (name of patient) who is currently experiencing (type of bleed ie brain bleed, psoas bleed, GI bleed, etc). We are a member of
___ Chapter.

Here are his/her details:
Age, Weight, Type of Hemophilia/Bleeding Disorder, Name of Doctor, Current status: (in patient/outpatient), Name of person making the request, Contact Number.

Note: The more details you include in your email, the better for our Factor Team to assess and understand the need.

Attachments needed: Doctor's prescription, Factor Assay or Bethesda Assay (for those with inhibitors.)

FOR life-threatening / limb-threatening THREATENING BLEEDS

For those with life-threatening / limb-threatening bleeds and needing large amount of factors, follow these steps:

Download the Project SHARE request form from the Save One Life website

Fill-up the form properly. Have it signed by the hematologist. Email filled-up form to

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Members of other Hemophilia Organization

For members of other hemophilia organizations, please ask for endorsement from the President of your organization and follow the same process (Email request to